

      Reading is the gateway to learning, opening doors to faraway adventures, new possibilities and promising futures. Without strong reading skills, children will face a host of difficult challenges throughout their lives. That’s why we know Reading Matters. ( Reading aloud to children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they eventually require for learning to read. So reading aloud to children plays a huge role in a student’s life since reading aloud is widely recognized as the single most important activity leading to language development. ( The paragraphs below, shows the benefits of reading aloud to students and how it helps them to be successful readers.
Reading aloud is important to children of all the ages. It helps the student to improve their background knowledge which helps them to think about the things that happens around them. Reading aloud also helps the child to enrich their vocabulary and helps the children to use more imaginations which helps them to be successful writers. The more adults read aloud to children, the larger their vocabularies will grow and Reading aloud lets children use their imaginations to explore people, places, times, and events beyond their own experiences. (Koralek, 2015)

As children start their school life if the student faces difficulty in reading they will face a lot of problems. They may not show the same interest towards studies as the other children show to studies. So reading aloud to children is very essential since it helps the children to gain the skills that they need to be a successful student at school. It is considered that reading aloud to young children is the single most effective thing parents can do to help prepare their children to succeed in school. (

         Furthermore, reading to young children promotes language acquisition and literacy development and, later on, achievement in reading comprehension and overall success in school. The percentage of young children read aloud to daily by a family member is one indicator of how well young children are prepared for school. (

 Reading aloud to preschool and primary school plays a vital role in learning to read. When a book is read they will understand the difference between how the written things are different from the spoken words. Moreover, they will also know to identify how the words are being pronounced. According to (Koralek, 2015) when the writings are read aloud to students they listen to the sounds in words and notice how some are the same and some are different. So due to this the child will eventually learn to read more fluently. In addition to this when books are being read aloud it helps the child to learn the sentence structure. However, while reading the books aloud to students it is very important to run the finger under the text while reading. When the books are read aloud the students notice that the letters in words are written in a certain order, and written words are separated by spaces. (Koralek, 2015).


·         Koralek, D. (2015). Retrieved 30 June 2015, from

·         Koralek, D. (2015). Retrieved 30 June 2015, from

·,. (2015). Reasons to Teach Children to Read Aloud | Retrieved 1 July 2015, from

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